Good Help

Good help can be hard to find when investing in real estate. You would be surprised at how many real estate Image result for finding good helpagents we contact that either do not respond back or just are not interested in spending the time to look for the right property for us.

Once you find a good one, stick with them. They are hard to find by. Seems like a great many real estate agents are not interested in working with investors. Yes, I know we can be difficult and we are looking for a specific deal and always want it cheaper, but we purchase with cash and if you find that deal you are pretty much guaranteed as commission.

This also goes for finding good contractors to work on houses. In the last new city we went into we went through five contractors before we got the job finished. The first one did not do a good job, did not complete the agreed upon items, did not even finish the project and we found out he did not pay at least one of his sub-contractors.

We then contacted three other contractors that did not even bother to show up. The fifth was a recommendation from a local investor (what we should have done to begin with) and he did a GREAT job. In fact, we are looking for other properties in that area just because of this particular contractor.

Real Estate is not easy, which is fine. If it was, there would be no money in it for us. However, it would be nice if everyone you contacted actually WANTED to work.

Good luck out there.

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